About the LFSC
Our History
The Latinx Faculty and Staff Council (LFSC) was founded in the mid 1990s by Gloria Flores and Christie Arguello as a networking opportunity for Latinx faculty and staff at KU. During this time, the Council was named the Hispanic Network because of its focus on networking. In 2000, the Council was recognized as a KU organization and in 2004, changed its name to the Latino Council. In 2009, the name was changed to the Latino Faculty and Staff Council. In 2022, the name was updated to what it is today.
In its early years, the Council examined the state of the KU campus regarding Latinx staff and faculty. The perception was that recruitment and retention of academic Latinx staff was not as high as it should have been. In addition, when looking at classified Latinx staff, they tended to be in lower level positions. The Council presented these concerns to then Chancellor Robert Hemenway, which sparked his interest in the Council and in increasing the opportunities for Latinx faculty and staff at KU.
Throughout the years, the Council has gained many new members and continues to be a support and resource for KU’s Latinx faculty and staff by addressing issues that are important to the academic community and Latinxs as a whole, and providing networking opportunities for its members.
Constitution of the LFSC at the University of Kansas (rev. 23 March 2022)
The name of the organization shall be the Latinx Faculty and Staff Council at the University of Kansas (Hereinafter referred to as the Council or as the LFSC). The official acronym shall be LFSC.
The Latinx Faculty and Staff Council at the University of Kansas (LFSC) exists primarily to provide support and encouragement to Hispanic/Latinx staff and faculty at Kansas University. Its main spheres of interest are professional, social, and educational. It is also a source of mentoring opportunities for members both within the organization and to other individuals and groups. In addition, the Council is ready to provide assistance (e.g. by meeting with candidates) to University departments in recruitment and retention of qualified Hispanic/Latinx staff and faculty and the retention, as well as recruitment, of Hispanic/Latinx and other racial and ethnic minority students. The Mission of the Council at the University of Kansas is to provide a forum for understanding the issues of concern to the Latinx academic community.
The council will serve as spokesperson and work in collaboration with university administrators, faculty and staff to initiate dynamic strategies to address the issues of recruitment, retention, graduation and promotion of Latinx faculty, staff and students.
- Provide a forum for addressing issues regarding the Hispanic/Latinx community at KU
- Assist the university in recruiting and retaining Hispanic/Latinx students, faculty and staff
- To build fellowship among Latinx faculty, staff, students and address issues that face our community
- To strengthen communications amongst our communities by creating multiple communication initiatives (listserv, online newsletter and website)
- To work in collaboration with university administration, faculty, students, and staff, as well as, undertake activities to address and improve issues regarding recruitment, retention, and promotion of Latinx faculty, staff, and graduation of students
- To be a resource for Latinx initiatives the university undertakes
- To assist the university to increase the presence and persistence of Latinx individuals on the KU campus
- Provide networking opportunities for Hispanic/Latinx faculty and staff
Governance of the Council
As delegated by the Council, the responsibility for the administration, management and operation of the business affairs of the Council shall be vested in the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers and the appointed chairpersons of the standing committees. The Executive Committee shall meet to conduct the Council's general business. The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for the Council's membership meetings.
Workgroups shall plan and develop educational opportunities, training, programs, and/or activities that help create awareness for Latinx culture and issues to the campus. Workgroups should work closely with any undergraduate/graduate Latinx student groups and other staff/faculty affinity councils whose goals/objectives intersect with the goals/objectives of LFSC. Workgroups should include executive members and any paid member.
Special Committees
Special committees shall be appointed as needed by the president to serve for a special purpose for such a time as determined by the Council.
Membership shall be open to all university faculty, unclassified/classified staff, graduate and non-traditional undergraduate students who are interested in and supportive of the objectives stated above. Membership status is granted upon payment of dues. Members who do not pay their dues shall not be eligible to vote, serve as an officer or as a committee chairperson, but shall be able to participate as a committee member or in other activities of the Council.
Memberships are for one year, July 1-June 30, and are renewed annually upon the payment of the annual membership dues. Solicitation for the dues will commence each Fall semester.
The amount of annual dues shall be determined each year by the Council upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
The Council shall elect from its membership persons to serve as President of the organization, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President shall appoint the committee chairs.
Nomination and Election of Officers
The election of officers shall be held during the last spring meeting; at least two weeks' notice must be given for nominations for each office. Nominations must be submitted to the President. Elections shall be by ballot and the person receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected.
Newly elected officers shall assume the duties of their respective office on July 1 following the election. Officers shall serve for one year beginning July 1, or until their successors are elected.
General membership meetings shall be held once per month during the academic year. Special or emergency meetings may be called by the Executive Committee when deemed necessary to expedite the purpose and work of the Council or to respond to an unexpected occurrence or circumstance.
A quorum for conducting the business of the Executive Committee shall consist of 50% of the Committee members. In the event 50% of the Committee is not present, the President shall have the power to designate the members present as a quorum.
Voting upon matters coming before the Council and the Executive Committee shall be determined by a majority vote of a quorum or of the members present as designated by the President.
The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at general meetings of the Council by a majority vote of the members present provided two weeks' written notice of the proposed amendment has been given to the members. Amendments shall be proposed to the Council by the Executive Committee of the Council or upon the written request of any five members of the Council.
In the event an officer or standing committee chair must resign during the operating year, he/she shall notify the president or Executive Committee in writing.
If a vacancy should occur in the office of the president, the Vice President may assume the office for the remainder of the term. If the Vice President declines to assume the office, the Vice President shall appoint a person to the presidency, subject to approval of the Executive Committee. This appointment shall be only until the next official election.
Vacancies in any other office shall be appointed by the president. The appointments are subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The term of office under these circumstances shall be until the next official election.
Any appointee to an unexpired term of office is eligible to be nominated for that next year’s election.
By-Laws for the LFSC at the University of Kansas
- Works with treasurer in soliciting new funds for LFSC programs and events
- Researches and identifies funding sources
- Develops project proposals for specific funding sources
Membership Committee
- Assists in recruiting new members
- Handles ongoing member relations
- Monitors progress of membership and make recommendations for ongoing recruitment activities
Social and Cultural Events Committee
- Promotes and organizes social events for the Council
- Works with University and Community representatives to promote LFSC at events
- Informs Council members of upcoming campus and community events
Yearly Dues will be $10 for faculty/staff and $5 for graduate students. The dues will be used to support council activities.
Duties of Officers:
Duties of the President
- Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council
- Shall be responsible for calling general meetings and Executive Committee meetings
- Appoint chairpersons of the standing committees
- Prepare and present the annual report of the Council at the beginning and end of each academic year
- Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee
- Oversee fundraising duties the group may be involved in
- Represent LFSC in the Council of Councils or any other organization/committee as deemed appropriate by the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Duties of the Vice President:
- Preside at all meetings of the Council
- Perform the duties of the President in any absence or disability of the President
- Serve as parliamentarian of the Council
- Be responsible for preparing and mailing LFSC correspondence
- Serve as Historian of the Council
Duties of the Secretary
- Take attendance at meetings
- Keep complete minutes of all general and Executive Committee meetings and distribute minutes, legislation, and other important information to membership
- Be responsible for the keeping of records, both electronic and physical, of all organization business
- Shall take an inventory of the property of the Council
- Help prepare the agenda for Executive Committee and general meetings
Duties of the Treasurer
- Must maintain Council's bank account
- Collect payment of dues
- Pay all bills, keep all accounts and make monthly budget reports
- Monitor the fiscal status of the Council
- Prepare and present budget reports at the general meetings of the Council
Duties of the LASU Advisor:
- Serve as the Council's liaison with the Latin American Student Union (LASU)
- Provide updates on activities/programs sponsored by LASU
- Provide a link to the Council for the development of programs, events and scholarships to enhance educational and professional opportunities for Hispanic/Latinx students at KU
- The LASU Advisor should not be the Council President.
Duties of Advisor
- Re-register student group each year, and set up student group email and/or webpage account
- Serve as liaison with the University of Kansas
- Provide guidance to the Council regarding University policies
Duties of Faculty Liaison
- Serve as the Council’s faculty representative
- Represent the Council in all faculty-related events/committees on campus
- Assist with recruitment/retention of Latinx faculty at KU